Unknown Artist - Untitled similar melodies

GI30 135 915 11

Jukjae(적재) - Let's Go See The Stars(별보러가자)

GI20 60 32 21

Imported from shift.mid

FR60 110 256 193


GI20 110 256 21


WG20 110 256 20


GI30 110 256 245

La 1º sinfonía de Daniela H

GI20 160 32 21


GI20 60 304 21

GI30 110 141 291

Same By Lunar Reyes. Use it however you please, Just give credit,

GI20 110 256 21

Don't mind me :)

FR60 100 51 190

Imported from Scale.mid

FR60 110 256 214

I was bored lol

GI30 110 256 21

A DXF export to get dimensions for Adobe illustrator

GI30 110 256 212

GI30 135 915 11

Jukjae(적재) - Let's Go See The Stars(별보러가자)

FR60 135 915 11

Jukjae - Let's Go See The Galaxies

FR60 110 256 191

GI20 72 333 15

Yeahs, that bad guy from Lovecraft´s horrors. (In my fanfiction stories I pairing him with Zalgo /creepypasta-story He comes/...)