Unknown Artist - Untitled similar melodies

FR60 130 1389 1 118

In The Cave Phantasy Star IV The end of the Millennium SEGA Mega Drive Genesis 1993

FR60 90 1600 114

Imported from Red Hot Chile Peppers - Can't Stop.mid

GI30 110 256 108

GI30F 152 1816 42

Imported from Earth, Wind & Fire – BOYNEXTDOOR (보이넥스트도어)

FR60 110 256 146

Just notes

GI30F 70 256 94

GI30F 110 129 46

Imported from 50558_for-river-to-the-moon-kan-gao_n2fe_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

FR60 75 1498 41

The 6th

FR60 160 933 147

Imported from Online Sequencer_454116_0 C2.mid

GI30 110 256 146

K15 72 337 43

Imported from Psicologi - Sui Muri.mid

GI30 110 256 108

Pls ignore

MB40 138 2048 110


GI30 120 215 113