Welcome To The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance

Grand Illusions 30
28/12/2017 09:09

Hole punch paper strips Export

Yay! It looks like this melody can be played offline on a 30 note paper strip music box!

All you need to do is:

  1. Get a 30 note DIY Music Box Kit from our online store page if you don't have one
  2. Export the melody to PDF with paper strips, print it out and cut with scissors. Make sure to use the right paper size and set you printer scale to 100%, otherwise the size won't match. It's better when paper strips are thick, so if you are going to use thin office paper, we recommend you to glue two or three layers together. Another option is to laminate paper strips with a transparent duct tape
  3. Punch holes with a tool from the music box kit
  4. Enjoy your favorite melody playing on a real music box!

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FR60 150 2048 2

Imported from 3790376-Welcome_To_The_Black_Parade.mid

FR60 150 2048 2

Imported from 3790376-Welcome_To_The_Black_Parade.mid

Comments Unsubscribe

luismiguelgonzales on Dec. 28, 2017, 9:11 a.m.

Wow you're so good! Can I request a song from you. I want to dedicate that song to my moms birthday but i dont know how to compose it. Ty and merry Christmas:))

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