yoann 4d music box rnbeur similar melodies

FR60 120 929 11

Wetland Bluegrass

FR60 110 1857 4

Imported from 3126973_1 (1).mid

FR60 116 1449 12


FR60 120 1497 7

Imported from 0.mid

FR60 100 392 3

If I was a villager, this would be my K.K. theme. I tried to make it sound as close to the original as possible, but overlapping notes aren't easy to do on here. Apologies for any inaccuracy.

FR60 116 1449 11


FR60 120 671 2

Midi belongs to rightful owners

FR60 120 468 2

Imported from Nowhere to run Stegosaurus rex (Lyrics).mp3.mid