Yorushika - Say it similar melodies

K15 160 256 1 1

Published to export as MIDI I have a 15 note one, so tried to fit in there. + Took so long since I don't like my bass part. But lets continue the song and do some retouch later.

K15 160 304 1

Sorry for late upload. I was exhausted about creating melodies after giving up several other drafts. It's quite difficult to fit songs that I love into 15 note music box... But somehow I managed to finish part 5(though its quality is quite poor) and will upload one with all parts combined soon. Let's give parts retouch later :)

K15 160 256 1

Not completed. published to export as MIDI I have a 15 note one, so tried to fit in there.

K15 160 136 2

Not complete, published to download as midi I have a 15 note music box, so tried to fit in there.

K15 160 136 2

1st practice so made it short. Maybe it might be a start of long project? I have 15 note music box, so tried my best to fit in there. 첫번째 연습곡입니다! 도입부만 짧게 만들어봤어요. 언젠가 장기 프로젝트가 될 수도 있을까요...? 15음 뮤직박스를 가지고 있어 거기에 맞춰 작업했습니다 :)