

GI30 142 383

Imported from Z3WOODS.MID and I also changed the octave of the base notes and the hightest notes. I think it sounds pretty good for being in a music box

GI30 112 255

Imported from Z4WRITE.MID

GI30 156 941

Imported from Z2CAST31.MID And edited to fit 30 note by me

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Chuck on July 12, 2024, 3:10 p.m.

For 30 Note music box: If your printing to letter paper (the normal kind) and scaling to 100% and printing didn't work and is a couple of MMs off then use scale 98.30% and auto orientaion it should print at the perfect size! I had to wast a lot of paper to find the right scale maybe just because my setup witch is actually good.

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