Fork_Child's melodies

FR60 102 550

Some spacing is not correct, but that's okay because I don't have the patience right now to fix it. This is the first part, up to measure 27. It skips the first 2 resting measures in the beginning and includes the divisions and the 1st trumpet part at 19. Tempo is set at 102 because of the fact that it goes from 88-96 to 108-120.

FR60 105 256 1

Lyrics: Plastic Man, that's what they call me. No, I'm not saying sorry. You know you did this to yourself Plastic Man, that's what they call me. No, I'm not saying sorry. Every day, felt that wipe-like belt

FR60 60 256 1

I re-listened to the first one and it sounded wrong on so many levels. I fixed both the beginning, the base line, and the high ending part. And, I gotta be honest, this whole thing was made from a failure of composing Circus Monster by VocaCircus. Not really happy about that but yeah.