Haemboerger's melodies

FR60 100 384

In this version I tweaked the bass line slightly to make it easier to listen to (I hope)

FR60 110 413 1

At least I hope the bass line is accurate (also not happy with the last part)

FR60 110 413 1 1

Not quite happy with the last part

FR60 109 1025

Imported from Batman (NES)- Stage 1 Theme.mid

FR60 110 576


GI30 75 200 2

My second version of this title. This time I tried to hit the correct tempo.

GI30 110 500 10

From The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

FR60 95 615 5

From The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

FR60 85 760

From the beautiful game named GRIS