Kitsune-chan's melodies

FR60 80 157 2

EDIT 9/20/22: Sorry for being dead qwq, but i edited the title upon remembering that King Charles is on the throne now

FR60 100 1477

FR60 135 2001 61

FR60 100 1297 1

Imported from Libera - Sanctus (In Bb lol)_1643572663527.mid

FR60 68 1153 2

FR60 160 1314 9

FR60 95 385 12

FR60 76 1489 13

Imported from Canon in Bb.mid_1643321133613.mid

FR60 80 241

Imported from Nearer, My God, to Thee (Best Piano Version)_1643249522534.mid

FR60 113 1007

Imported from Say Something - A Great Big World.mid_1641613353971.mid

FR60 72 969 2

Imported from canon-3.mid

GI30 65 513 59

Imported from Canon in E flat Major (Arranged by Kitsune-chan)_1642117955173.mid