Obsolescent.Effervescent's melodies

FR60 100 647

Imported from Cruella_De_Vil_-_101_Dalmatians_Piano_Lesson_.mid

K15 160 401

Mr. Beveridge's Maggot is the first dance between Mr. Darcy & Miss Elizabeth Bennet during the Netherfield Ball in Pride & Prejudice (1995 adaptation). Midi file courtesy of: http://www.sls.hawaii.edu/bley-vroman/contradance/dances/beveridge.html

GI30 160 401

Mr. Beveridge's Maggot is the first dance between Mr. Darcy & Miss Elizabeth Bennet during the Netherfield Ball in Pride & Prejudice (1995 adaptation). Midi file courtesy of: http://www.sls.hawaii.edu/bley-vroman/contradance/dances/beveridge.html