SxlarEatsToes's melodies

FR60 120 1101 5

Made by @Skeen441 i actually did the whole thing...😭

K15 160 256

Made by @Knila I added some stuff at the end and thanks for the info @IcyJell it helps

GI30F 87 186 1 20

I got this from @YourMusician i really liked this so I decided to do it, thank you @YourMusican :D

K15 110 256 4

It needs adjustment....can somebody do it for me idk how people do this its HARDDD and whoever does it for me gets to name it. I added a revers at the end.

K15 110 256

I tried it turned out alright it took a really long time to make so...its not much so heheeh(oh and that ice gone >:>)

FR60 120 1825 7


GI30 116 1153 6


K15 110 256 2

SOmebody plz remake this it kills me to bad to do it took 30MINS just for this 😭😭😭😭 I adding something in it...finally

GI30 110 256

This is supposed to be bAbY sHaRk but... idk XD

GI30 110 256

-_- The end sounds like baby shark unfortunately...:D

GI30 110 256

Remix this piece to make it cooler! Pass this on! I put a little something at the end! :D

GI30 110 256 1

I threw something together...I'm calling this 3 Mix because it have 3 different types of melodies in there I don't now what the first 2 are so...but the last one is something similar to Carousel Town by IcyJell so yaaaaaaaa-_-

GI30 110 256

I need more inspiration...somebody help me with this-_-

GI30 110 256

hey boredom takes over u and the end is pretty bad but i tried so...

GI30 110 256

whyyyyyyyy it hurts your ears plz dont listen t it -_-