Tuxedo_Mask's melodies

GI30 100 741

Imported from majam.mid

FR60 133 1953

Math Mรบsica

FR60 105 2045 1

this is a random song i created with "Moonlight Melody Maker" https://websim.ai/c/seA76KVTeU1sZNwi2

MB40 160 2048


FR60 120 501 1 1

X:1 T:Random Composition M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 K:C G0.5 B0.5 D0.5 C0.5 d0.5 ^D0.25 G0.25 ^A0.25 | ^d0.375 d0.125 B0.25 A0.625 ^d0.25 ^D0.25 ^a0.5 A0.375 | E0.125 ^D0.375 B0.25 A0.375 g0.125 A0.375 ^g0.125 C0.125 | ^D0.125 E0.625 ^c0.5 g0.125 ^c0.25 f0.25 ^g0.25 C0.125 | ^g0.5 c0.5 ^C0.375 E0.25 ^a0.25 ^F0.25 G0.25 B0.5 | ^D0.5 ^F0.5 E0.25 ^F0.375 G0.375 C0.375 A0.375 E0.25 | c0.125 G0.375 A0.25 d0.125 ^c0.375 E0.125 ^G0.125 B0.125 | f0.125 g0.25 b0.25 D0.25 C0.5 ^d0.5 g0.5 ^a0.5 | E0.5 C0.25 g0.25 b0.25 D0.25 D0.375 ^F0.375 A0.375 | G0.125 ^C0.625 B0.375 F0.125 ^C0.25 F0.25 ^G0.25 ^D0.375 | D0.5 A0.25 a0.25 ^G0.625 C0.625 ^D0.625 ^f0.375 ^a0.375 | ^C0.375 G0.5 ^a0.375 D0.375 F0.375 e0.5 ^F0.125 G0.25 | B0.25 D0.25 e0.125 ^a0.375 E0.125 G0.25 ^c0.375 D0.5 | ^F0.375 ^A0.375 ^C0.375 ^c0.5 g0.25 ^D0.375 ^a0.25 D0.5 | ^d0.5 C0.125 ^F0.5 B0.125 ^C0.5 F0.5 ^G0.5 c0.375 | F0.25 ^F0.125 ^D0.5 D0.25 ^F0.25 A0.25

FR60 65 802 1 1

Created with a tool AI coded itself entirely.... "Tuxedo Mask's Moonlight Melody Maker" websim.ai/c/seA76KVTeU1sZNwi2

FR60 160 2048 1 1

Created with a tool AI coded itself entirely.... "Tuxedo Mask's Moonlight Melody Maker" websim.ai/c/seA76KVTeU1sZNwi2

FR60 74 1272 1 1

a classic song, remade in a modern way! Enjoy!

FR60 95 1685 1 1

In the cosmic dance of the celestial spheres, Two giants waltz towards their destined union, A ballet of stars, in four-point-five eons' duration, The Andromeda and Milky Way, in graceful precision. Their arms, spiraling tendrils of stardust and dreams, Reach out through the void, entwining in cosmic embrace, A dance foretold by the whispers of ancient astronomers, Whose eyes pierced the shroud of the night, in search of a trace. As they twirl, their fates intertwine, in a grand finale, A celestial merger, a fusion of light and dark, The birth of a new galaxy, in a celestial alloy, A testament to time's relentless march. Andromeda, the far-off beauty, with her ethereal grace, Draws near to our home, the Milky Way's luminous face, In a dance that transcends the bounds of human time, A spectacle of the universe's sublime design. For billions of years, they've been on a collision course, Their paths set by the laws of gravity's force, A cosmic inevitability, a dance without end, Their destinies entwined, in a celestial blend. When at last they meet, in a fiery embrace, Their stars will mingle, in a dazzling display of grace, A new galaxy born, from the remnants of old, A symbol of unity, in a universe bold. Yet, not all shall succumb to the gravitational pull, Some stars, like our Sun, may escape the cosmic thrall, To wander the void, as solitary sentinels, Guardians of memory, of what once was, and could have been. In the end, they too shall return, to the fold, To join the fray, in the great celestial hold, For in the dance of the cosmos, there is no true end, Only the eternal cycle, of birth, death, and rebirth, again and again. So let us marvel, at the wax poetry of this celestial dance, A story etched in the stars, of love, loss, and romance, For in the grand scheme of things, we are but fleeting guests, Witnesses to the cosmic drama, unfolding in the heavens' vast expanse.

FR60 104 1657 2 1


FR60 75 1691 1


FR60 81 947 1 1


FR60 60 956 1 1


FR60 92 1020 1


FR60 90 1058 1

FacEs CoMe OuT Of tHe rAiN!

FR60 92 1840 1

as seen in my recent video on ai and crispr https://youtu.be/rW9bZZIj7Fo

FR60 65 977 1 1

The Seed of Life is a two-dimensional illustration that consists of seven circles of the same size, which overlap. There are six circles on the outside, which interconnect with the seventh circle in the middle. The image looks like a set of equally proportioned flowers. The design is not only beautiful; it has profound symbolic meaning. Scared Geometry and the Seed of Life Rooted in the Seed of Lifeโ€™s meaning is a school of thought referred to as Sacred Geometry. According to Sacred Geometry, patterns in nature are viewed from a mathematical viewpoint and they have broad implications. The โ€œsacredโ€ part is a belief that these patterns, their mathematical formulas, and their structure are evidence of divine planning and creation. One example of Sacred Geometry is the Fibonacci Spiral, which I wrote about in my post about Snake Meanings and Symbolism. The Fibonacci Spiral is a pattern that repeats throughout nature and the greater Universe. From sunflowers to hurricanes, galaxies, seashells, and even coiled snakes, we can find spirals. Symbolically, a spiral represents the expansion outward from a single source, which grows or gains power. Many spirals found in nature follow the mathematical pattern of the Fibonacci number sequence, which starts with 0 and 1 and then increases with the sum of the previous two numbers, such as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

FR60 88 831 4

Zelda 1 Title Theme (Traditional Format)

MB40 115 65

Triforce Sound Effect Zelda 1 Nes

FR60 69 1412

Legend Of Zelda - Medley Music Box 2

FR60 65 911 1

Legend Of Zelda - Medley Music Box 1

FR60 114 2048 4

Zelda 1 NES - An Overworld Music Box

FR60 88 831 4

Zelda 1 NES title Theme Music Box (Very Traditional)

FR60 96 1670 1 1

The music is original but the song lyrics are a cover of the age old tune "cats in the cradle" Its in a "Country Rock style with Appalachian English Male Vocals" https://suno.com/song/fd127b19-20d6-4f22-9b26-c60ac10a2322

FR60 95 2048

So this will get progressively sillier as it goes lol I hope you enjoy it!

FR60 145 2048

Zelda Experiment

FR60 100 806

Here's what I can tell you about "The Bird in the Bush": This is my own arrangement of a very very old song that in its time was censored! It's since been remade and recreated many times in many forms but the shapes remain the same no matter how we might layer them and this version is not excluded from that statement. That said here are the bullet points. Double Meaning: The song can have a double meaning. On the surface, it might be about a young woman meeting a man and wanting him to catch a bird for her. However, there's also a deeper, more suggestive meaning hidden within the lyrics. Variations: This song has many variations and titles, such as "Three Maidens A-Milking Did Go." The specific lyrics and melody can differ depending on the region and who sang it. Folk Tradition: Folk songs like this weren't typically written down but rather passed down orally from singer to singer. This can lead to variations over time. Unfortunately, due to the potentially bawdy nature of the lyrics, many versions you find online might be sanitized.

FR60 115 317 1

Felon Shark Doot Doot Doot Doot Doot!

FR60 120 2048 1 1

๐ŸŒน๐•‹๐•ฆ๐•ฉ๐•–๐••๐•  ๐•„๐•’๐•ค๐•œ๐ŸŒน https://suno.com/song/727c0ab5-e0d4-4ce0-b75e-6a39da84518f (Verse 1) The boss is yellin', deadlines near Dick's in trouble, that much is clear Got emails floodin' in, phone ringin' off the hook Gotta save his bacon, gotta give him a good look (Chorus) All hands on Dick! Gotta fix his bureaucratic tick No time for coffee breaks, gotta rewrite these bureaucratic tricks The pressure's on, the paperwork's a mess, gotta make it slick All hands on Dick, gotta save his ship! (Verse 2) The printer's jammin', deadlines loom, Dick's about to lose his cool Gotta troubleshoot this mess, follow every single rule The team's exhausted, eyes are glazed and red But we can't give up now, gotta fight until we're... well, almost dead. (Chorus) All hands on Dick! Gotta fix his bureaucratic tick No time for coffee breaks, gotta rewrite these bureaucratic tricks The pressure's on, the paperwork's a mess, gotta make it slick All hands on Dick, gotta save his ship! (Bridge) They say all hands on deck, but Dick's got no boat in sight Just mountains of paperwork, day and endless night So raise a mug of coffee, a toast to our friend in need We'll conquer this paperwork, plant a victory seed (Chorus) All hands on Dick! Gotta fix his bureaucratic tick No time for coffee breaks, gotta rewrite these bureaucratic tricks The pressure's on, the paperwork's a mess, gotta make it slick All hands on Dick, gotta save his ship! (Outro) Yeah, all hands on Dick, that's the ticket to success We'll slay this dragon, put the office to the test! (Verse 1) The boss is yellin', deadlines near That Dick's in trouble Again, that much is clear Got emails floodin' in, phone ringin' off the hook Gotta save his bacon, gotta give him a good look (Chorus) All hands on Dick! Gotta fix his bureaucratic tick No time for coffee breaks, gotta rewrite these bureaucratic tricks The pressure's on, the paperwork's a mess, gotta make it slick All hands on Dick, gotta save his ship! (Verse 2) The printer's jammin', deadlines loom, Dick's about to lose his cool Gotta troubleshoot this mess, follow every single rule The team's exhausted, eyes are glazed and red But we can't give up now, gotta fight until we're... well, almost dead. (Chorus) All hands on Dick! Gotta fix his bureaucratic tick No time for coffee breaks, gotta rewrite these bureaucratic tricks The pressure's on, the paperwork's a mess, gotta make it slick All hands on Dick, gotta save his ship! (Bridge) They say all hands on deck, but Dick's got no boat in sight Just mountains of paperwork, day and endless night So raise a mug of coffee, a toast to our friend in need We'll conquer this paperwork, plant a victory seed (Chorus) All hands on Dick! Gotta fix his bureaucratic tick No time for coffee breaks, gotta rewrite these bureaucratic tricks The pressure's on, the paperwork's a mess, gotta make it slick All hands on Dick, gotta save his ship! (Outro) Yeah, all hands on Dick, that's the ticket to success We'll slay this dragon, put the office to the test!

FR60 60 428

The Mary Maguire Music Box https://michaeleskin.com/transcriptions/Compositions_of_Turloch_OCarolan_Harp_10Jun2024.pdf