lucykang15's melodies

GI20 60 256 10

I have never played a two who. I have no right to believe this song slaps.

GI30 160 1114 1

Imported from Maplestory_ Laecheln,_The_City_of_Dream.mid

GI30 160 1113 1 1

Imported from Maplestory_ Laecheln,_The_City_of_Dream.mid

GI30 156 1657 4

Here is my second one to make up for my absence.

GI30 112 257

Imported from Orange_Ocean.mid

GI30 120 1373

Imported from horai_easy1.mid

GI30 120 831

There is only the accompaniment part in the back, so you only need to use the front part.