mbkingjr's melodies

GI30 160 628 4

Double space to remove red notes.

GI30 160 641

Erin's version of Dear Thedosia 20 notes modified for 30 notes and double spacing to remove red back to back notes.

GI30 160 305 2

This erin's original version but with double spacing between the notes so the notes will play on the DIY 30 note music box. Note I doubled the temp so it plays at the same speed which also means on the 30 note music box the song will have to be played twice as fast.

GI30 120 497 3

From The Wizard of Oz - expanded notes to remove red notes

GI30 120 441 3

How Does A Moment Last Forever - expanded notes to remove red notes

GI30 135 806 9

Imported from HereComesTheSun.mid and added a final chord.