n0r4g4m4's melodies

K15 70 392

Music after Six's music box. Modified from tidalwaver's piano sheet on https://flat.io/score/605d70cd81577e3355217757-togetherness-i-ii-from-little-nightmares-2

K15 70 312 2

Cloned from erin's 30 tone and convert it into 15 tone and tweaked some bits to make it fit.

K15 60 336 1

I haven't found anyone did this on this website so I tried making my own :) It's for 15 tone because I'll be having 15 tone music box about next week or so ;)

K15 60 264 1 1

I haven't found anyone did this on this website so I tried making my own :) It's for 15 tone because I'll be having 15 tone music box about next week or so ;)