FR60 110 881
I'm back again. I played some new awesome video games and got my computer working again, which means that making melodies will be a helluva lot easier. Hope I'll be more active and, to anyone seeing this, have a nice day or night.
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Hey dude I'm glad I'm back too I swear it's been so long I'm sorry for magically disappearing like that.
Sorry i'm late but hello
ok hi!
how was your day so far?
I'd say not that bad, how about you?
it was boooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiinnnnngggg
Heh yeah me too
nowonder you said not bad
Lol cus I tell myself it could have been worse, so I'm happy it was actually boring
yea ik
can i make you get 10 followers
yes PLZ PLZ! or NO!
Wait make ME get 10 followers?
I would love if u could honestly
i can
or more
youll earn an achievment
Ok but how lol
youll see
Ok trusting ya
Hold up
Oh okay lol
umm-hi im lizz friend
You know u don't have to do that if u don't want to
idk wut is this website but it seems sooooo bbbooooooooooooooooooorrrrriinnngggg
I don't get it
Me still confused lol
YAY! now you achieved the reward MICROFAMUS YAY!!
dont get confused my friends just are feeling bored on this website lol
Ok wow thanks
your famus now but idk
im going to make you get another reward
can you see your reward?
Yup but I'm scared
my profile pic?
Okay uhh it looks real but the names are weird and stuff idk I hope this is not getting to something inappropriate
And I hope I wasn't scammed...Or was I?
my friend just picked random stuff lol
scammed? how?
Well I'll take the gift I guess
i miss lils
Thank you
u r welcome ima give ya another achievment
but i miss lils
Wait wich one
Wait why tho
of wut?
U said u were going to delete ur account?
oh yea i will on friday it would be deleted
But are u sure you want to
There's no going back
i miss lils do you know who is lils
But I'm sure it wa a person of great importance for u
lils is undertalefan
Oh yeah I miss her too
go to the link that i posted
Wait where is it
on my profile
Uhhh what is it?
drawing and chatting
Ohh ok
go to chat in the website
whants up?
Hey sorry I'm late but fine
I mean I am fine but I'm sleepy too this is y I'm acting weird I guess
Ok I'll be talking with ya in let's say seven hours from now. That said, good night.
Yo just saw your comments and thank you so much
Your most welcome leezar!
EEEEEEEEE HI AGAIN! (no, you don't know who i am. i'll explain later)
Hey I once again took a long vacation cus I was so tired, and I guess I'm back again.
Oh okay interesting.