FR60 110 881
I'm back again. I played some new awesome video games and got my computer working again, which means that making melodies will be a helluva lot easier. Hope I'll be more active and, to anyone seeing this, have a nice day or night.
FR60 160 1958 1
OMG FINALLY !! This one took me so LOOOOOOONG to finish. I wanted to add the third phase but I couldn't because the maximum length is 2048 for every melody (and it's the most epic part :( ) so yeah sorry about that. But I plan on making it apart in another melody. Anyway, hope this one sounds as good and epic as the original, and have a nice day. UPDATE: I made a little bit of an oopsie at the end there but I corrected it ; NOW it should sound perfect.
FR60 110 310 1 30
Ok so basically I tried composing a melody myself but it was hard and my brain eventually stopped working ( I am better at musical arrangements). So anyway, I worked on the creepy lullaby and realised that by keeping the melody and adding that same melody flipped upside down for the "bassline", you can get a spooky distorting effect. More methods to come. There are a lot of ways to make orchestrated music creepy, but doing so in music boxes is much more limited, but I'll try to find a way to simulate those effects on this sequencer.
FR60 120 691 2 1
(Please forgive me about my long absence). This melody is so soothing it always helps me sleep, and speaking of wich it's about 3:40 AM in where I live, so good night.
FR60 160 612 2 1
Hello again .I made this melody ;I am papyrusgaming64,I just had an account problem , but looks like I got my old one back :)
FR60 100 609 2
Yay! I finally finished ! Some parts might not be clear 'cause there are a lot of notes in the same line...Hope you enjoy it anyways :)
GI30 110 256 4
Just wear headphones , adjust your volume to the maximum and focus...............focus.............FOCUS..........until the end :)
FR60 110 1689
Well, this one was a little bit difficult but I tried hard...So,I'm sorry if it sounds wrong or broken :P
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