yohannflavier's melodies

GI30 60 48 2

Маленькой ёлочке холодно зимой / Le petit sapin de Noël a froid / The little Christmas tree is cold in winter

GI30 100 155

В лесу родилась елочка / A Christmas tree was born in the forest! / Un sapin de Noël est né dans la forêt !

GI30 106 330

Draft Still in work (to perform)

GI30 95 985 23

Russian Anthem / URSS Anthem / USSR Anthem

GI30 95 985 23

Imported from USSR.mid

GI30 95 482 28

Russian Anthem (USSR Anthem / URSS Anthem) Faster version but you'll just have to turn more slowly hand crank and you'll use less paper to your componium

GI30 120 646

I'm trying to found a better version of this song. If you have it or if you can perform this one thanks for helping

GI30 142 272

Watergate - Heart Of Asia

GI30 90 200 6

Eurythmics cover

GI30 151 257 2

ファイナルファンタジーIII 3 チョコボのテーマ

GI20 120 70 1

K15 100 72

Le bon roy Dagobert

GI30 100 163

Angels We Have Heard on High / Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes

FR60 160 416 1

GI30 160 261 1

GI30 120 48

Savez vous planter les choux

K15 120 93 1

marche lorraine ( Jeanne la lorraine ses petit pieds dans ses sabots )

K15 120 120

Imported from malbroug.mid

GI20 120 119

GI30 100 120 3

auprès de ma blonde