
Currently we have 79614 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

K15 100 256


K15 100 256 24


K15 89 191

Imported from Scar Tissue combined.mid

K15 63 95

Imported from MIDI.mid

K15 98 190

Imported from MIDI.mid

K15 87 130 2

Music box arrangement for the Main Theme of the Outer Wilds video game

K15 65 168 17

The last bit is a bit off, but still works

K15 60 481

Imported from Carillon.mid

K15 160 765 25

Imported from Midimory.mid

K15 137 193 9

Imported from 1.11scaledv4wildestdreamslonger.mid

K15 100 290

Imported from c-est-normal.midi

K15 69 274 1

K15 60 112 1

Imported from Daisy Bell halfspeed.mid

K15 110 128

K15 93 159

Imported from Indigo De Souza.mid

K15 60 1045

Imported from converted-Rni10adKMKXxee0DutOqT96B7XtxaE.gp5.mid