
Currently we have 79617 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 116 1854 1

(not my song just cloned it so i can keep a copy of it because its so pretty. my friend Pat wrote it)

GI20 116 1854 1 2 1

This is an original song created and composed for the music box in a day dream esque melody I am rather proud of this one and happy with how it turned out. I took a lot of extra time to decore this song after i wrote the initial melody. Hopefully you will enjoy playing it as much as i did composing it! <3

GI20 140 137 2

Berserk - Theme of Guts

GI20 90 570 8

Change tempo inthe right time (when you feel it) when playing it with the music box

GI20 97 577 1

Yann Tiersen - i'v never been here ( J'y suis jamais allé) FOR Muro,30 tons and 20 tons. A brend new and full version

GI20 103 1457

Imported from Something-Just-Like-This-The-ChainsmokersColdplay.mid

GI20 110 256

GI20 98 1177

Imported from Electric Touch - A R I Z O N A (Piano Cover).mid

GI20 80 515 14

Imported from 5682_its-a-small-world_g5qz_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 120 611

Imported from Poppyseed-2.mid

GI20 120 2018

Imported from Daisy-2.mid

GI20 136 1409 4

Imported from Gigi D'agostino - L 'amour Toujours___WWW.MIDISFREE.COM.mid

GI20 110 271

GI20 84 116 1

fan music for a tulip

GI20 110 1416

Imported from http://www.midishrine.com/midipp/nes/Super_Mario_Bros/smb1-1-1_Remix.mid

GI20 130 289 1

群馬電機 呼び込み君

GI20 128 127 1

ヴァンゲリス 炎のランナー

GI20 140 2041

Imported from Blind_Guardian_-_Bard's_Song (2).mid