Clone of Keane - Somewhere Only We Know similar melodies

GI30 70 1024 22

Cover by Lily Allen For export only to 30 notes music box

FR60 129 1259 22

Imported from ACDC.Thunderstruck K.mid

GI30 120 625 23

AC DC efg

FR60 132 2048 23

Imported from Thunderstruck(2) (2).mid

FR60 84 2048 23

Imported from 3080094_1.mid

FR60 84 2048 22

Imported from 1704381_1.mid

GI30F 120 336 1 1 23

Watch the completed music box:

GI30F 120 264 1 23

Watch the completed music box:

GI30 134 2048 23

Imported from AC_DC_Thunderstruck.mid

FR60 70 1024 22

Cover by Lily Allen For export only to 30 notes music box

FR60 70 1024 22

Cover by Lily Allen For export only to 30 notes music box

FR60 160 254 23

For Fun

FR60 160 254 23

For Fun

K15 80 140 22

Imported from Somewhere Only We Know Lily Allen.mid

GI30 72 659 22

For export only to 30 notes music box

FR60 72 1024 22

Cover by Lily Allen For export only to 30 notes music box

FR60 160 330 22

Cover by Lily Allen For export only to 30 notes music box

FR60 72 1024 22

Cover by Lily Allen For export only to 30 notes music box