Heartbroken Kiki - Kiki's Delivery Service

Full range 60
09/01/2020 01:06

I wasn't intending to make this one, but due to technical difficulties, the last project I was doing was completely wiped. I was almost finished with it and right when I'm extending it, the page blanks out and I lost everything., I put a lot of time and effort into making it and I lost it all. I've been working on it all day and now I'm a l i t t l e bit upset that it's all gone. And it sounded so perfect too. So, not wanting to end the day empty handed, I made this instead. And maybe someday soon, I'll re-do the other one. But for now, I just need a moment...

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Grey on Jan. 12, 2020, 1:39 p.m.

Well that sucks.. :c
Losing hours of progress, that is.
In any case, keep up the good work. I like this one a lot :)

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