Pythagoras - Midnight Music Box (Step 2 Final Version)

Full range 60
15/11/2021 05:26

Next i load the track into my midi software ( I use starbound composer you can use FL studio Ableton etc whatever app you like to use to edit your midi files for this) I load original melody track i created into starbound 3 times so i have 3 of the melody. Then on the top track of the three i bring it UP 12 semitones or one octave. On track 2 the middle track I added a z1/2 in this songs case. On track 3 i Lowered my track 12 semitones or 1 octave. The result is this track you hear now exactly 3x more complex. This is a technique classical composers used. I still use today! Lastly i like to reduce the tempo so if i do it with 2 tracks i generally reduce the tempo by 10-15 bpm and with 3 tracks i reduce the tempo by about 15- 30 bpm. Sometimes i reduce it even more than that it just depends on the feel of the song, its pace and how well it sounds in music box style playback. This song had a bpm of 100 and i reduced it by 30 for example to the bpm of 70.


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AllMadHere on Nov. 15, 2021, 5:29 a.m.

thanx for sharing this info !! love your work !!

Ben_Efits on Nov. 15, 2021, 5:32 a.m.

<3 thanks for listening kitty!

Ben_Efits on Nov. 15, 2021, 7:09 a.m.

video is up :) just posted it.

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