Pythagoras - The Passive Aggressive Cowards

Full range 60
25/12/2021 01:56

How This Original Piece Of Musical Expression Was Inspired?

"The hallmark of a passive-aggressive attack is that it is intentionally indirect and intentionally covertly delivered. It is the cowardly, lily-livered and chicken-hearted way of addressing an issue. This is the attack that sneaks up on you from behind."

You know what kind of person I hate the most. You if you are a passive aggressive coward.
The hallmark of a passive-aggressive attack is that it is intentionally indirect and intentionally covertly delivered. It is the cowardly, lily-livered and chicken shit hearted way of addressing an issue. This is the attack that sneaks up on you from behind. That's why I am perfectly happy to tell any one of you to suck my long harry cock and kiss my dirty asshole. Aggressive people are not able to relate to your passive unmeaningful language and you know in your heart you are a weak coward or you wouldn't be using passive aggression would you? So if you are? you happen to be a passive aggressive coward, with no back bone, no character? DO US BOTH A FAVOR (you know who you are, you know your heart and deep down when you act passive aggressive its because you fear a guy like me will feed you some real aggression and drive your teeth right down your throat that's what it really is. YOU ARE NOT WRONG KIDS. So all that said? stay the fuck away from me and my friends thanks. We will not hesitate for a moment to tell your "scared to converse meaningfully" ass where the door is and to not let it hit ya in the ass on the way out. Food for thought. I don't "feel sorry for your lack of character" it simply makes me want to impose my will upon you. It may be best if you are some passive aggressive cunt? afraid to really say how you feel? that you go ahead and go fuck yourself... That's what's best for everyone around you... if you live this life style? die with it. Thanks. - Signed with as much love and understanding as a person like that deserves.

With Love You Will Never Know -
Signed: The Charismatic, Creative and Actually Aggressive Ginger Guy Who Does Not Have Any Fucks To Left To Give..


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Ben_Efits on Dec. 25, 2021, 1:59 a.m.

"The hallmark of a passive-aggressive attack is that it is intentionally indirect and intentionally covertly delivered. It is the cowardly, lily-livered and chicken-hearted way of addressing an issue. This is the attack that sneaks up on you from behind." sums it up nicely these are the worst sort of people to have to deal with especially in a public civil scenario such as the work place! yuck. Say what ya mean, mean what ya say. Otherwise I aint givin ya the time of day.

Ben_Efits on Dec. 25, 2021, 2:29 a.m.

Video is up, Enjoy!
(It features an ACTUALLY aggressive woman we can respect, telling a passive aggressive person to fuck tight off and die!)

LoveThatBox on Dec. 25, 2021, 2:51 a.m.

lol @ the aggressive lady in the video, That's what a real woman looks like... She will take no shit and not hesitate to tell you to go fuck yourself. rofl

Tuxedo_Mask on Dec. 25, 2021, 2:58 a.m.

I had to work with a lady who was a bit passive aggressive but that was not the worst part. She also liked to throw her co workers under the bus, she got my friend fired just to do it, then acted like she "felt bad about it" after the fact. I was so mad i quit soon after. Fuck McDonalds! Can relate and that video is funny! We do need more "aggressive aggressive" people at least you know where they stand. Because, Passive Aggressive people are back stabbers.

Ben_Efits on Dec. 25, 2021, 3:05 a.m.

100% Bro. Sorry to hear you had to deal with one of these terrible co-creators. That's why I spend time writing music and expressing myself this way. I hope others can relate and know we all empathize with you. We all have to deal with people like this. The first step is to sit down and confront their behaviors honestly and forwardly put a proverbial mirror up to their character and let them really see themselves for who and what they are. These people are often insecure, depressed think very little of themselves etc. There is always a fair chance meeting someone honest enough to tell them where to go and how to get there so to speak, will be good for them. Even if they want to hate you for doing it, We can always hope its a character building opportunity. People change all the time. We all do. Blame is detrimental and I don't want to cast it. What i do want to do? Is to let you know these people are often an insecure and cowardly type of person who we can often reach out to and teach to be better, rather than ostracize and cast shame. Show them what character and ethos look like. That's how you handle it. Honestly and even Aggressively if need be. There is always room for reason, but there also exists a type of coward in this world that refuses to change their ways, for this passive aggressive coward, it is best to IMPOSE YOUR WILL UPON THEM. simple as that.

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