Unknown Artist - Untitled similar melodies

GI30 110 300 233


K15 89 589 112

Imported from For River Arrangiata.mid

K15 70 156 2 111

#1835558321 (Shoutout to the person who requested this because I'd never heard this song before and I love it!)

GI30 110 256 149

Fun Melody

GI30 110 2048 110

GI30 120 2048 26

Imported from Gazette_-_Reila.mid

GI30 110 256 205

GI30 110 256 184

GI30 110 256 106

GI30 110 256 140

FR60 77 256 157

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 🌍

GI30F 110 256 144

GI30 110 32 144

Imported from 30 note scale.mid