Unknown Artist - Untitled similar melodies

GI30 110 256 144


GI30 110 256 128


GI30 110 256 144

A simple notes

FR60 110 256 191

GI30F 110 32 144

GI30 90 117 144

Imported from 30노트_4분음표 간격.mid

GI30 120 117 144

Imported from 30note.mid

GI30 120 117 144

Imported from 30note.mid

GI30 110 256 144

All GI30 notes

GI30 110 256 204

GI30 110 256 204

para gemi

GI30 110 256 76


GI30F 110 256 144

FR60 60 32 144

all available notes on music box

GI30 160 1128 110

From the N64 game "Banjo Kazooie". Most of the main theme (~3/4). Works on loop.

GI30 80 256 209

GI30 110 256 118
