Whatsername similar melodies

FR60 160 1533 11

Imported from 81951_Ma-Meilleure-Ennemie.mid

K15 160 772 10

OST "Pulp Fiction"

GI30 160 903 10

Intérprete: Germán Valdés "TinTan" Yo soy el rey del jazz a gogó, el más mono rey del swing Más alto ya no he de subir y esto me hace sufrir Yo quiero ser hombre como tú y la ciudad gozar Como hombre yo quiero vivir, ser tan mono me va a aburrir Ah-dubidu (Biru-birup), quiero ser como tú (Biru-birup, durah) Quiero andar como tú, tal como tú (Biru-birup, durah) A tu salud (Biru-birup), dímelo a mí (Biru-birup, durah) Si el fuego, aquí, me lo traerías tú (Biru-birup, durah) Durup-dah, du-du-dup, dah Duru-bu-bup Durububada, dubudaba, du-dap-duh, ah Dah-du-du-dup Duru-ba-duburu-dubap Du-durup-ba Adudu-duru, duba-dibu-ribu-bawrh A mí no me engañas, Mowgli Contrato hicimos yo y tú Y dame luego, luego del hombre el fuego Para ser como tú Y dame el secreto, cachorro Dime, ¿cómo debo hacer? Caminar, quiero el rojo fuego Para tener poder Ah-dubidu (Biru-birup), quiero ser como tú (Biru-birup, durah) Quiero andar como tú, tal como tú (Biru-birup, durah) A tu salud (Biru-birup), dímelo a mí (Biru-birup, durah) Si el fuego, aquí, me lo traerías tú (Biru-birup, durah) Dudup- buda-buda Du-bu-du-buda-buba Dudube-buda-bu Dadu-da-badu Du-dip-dip-buda Dubadu, dabu-bau Rabadu, ruberoda-rubi-ba Rubi bam ______________________________ Now, I'm the king of the swingers Oh, the jungle VIP I've reached the top and had to stop And that's what botherin' me I wanna be a man, mancub And stroll right into town And be just like the other men I'm tired of monkeyin' around! Oh, oobee doo I wanna be like you I wanna walk like you Talk like you, too You'll see it's true An ape like me Can learn to be human too Gee, cousin Louie You're doin' real good Now here's your part of the deal, cuz Lay the secret on me of man's red fire But I don't know how to make fire Now, don't try to kid me, mancub I made a deal with you What I desire is man's red fire To make my dream come true Now, give me the secret, mancub C'mon, clue me what to do Give me the power of man's red flower So I can be like you You! I wanna be like you I wanna walk like you Talk like you, too You'll see it's true Someone like me Can learn to be Like someone like me Take me home daddy Can learn to be Like someone like you One more time Yeah Can learn to be Like someone like me!

K15 120 1713 10

Imported from AC_DC_-_Who_Made_Who.mid

GI20 140 1287 13

SoMe ShIt AbOuT SomE ShIt

FR60 70 1694 11

Imported from SteelHeart - She's Gone (2)___WWW.MIDISFREE.COM.mid

GI30 137 225 8

Imported from Use_somebody__Kings_of_Leon_Intro.mid

K15 145 800 5

Imported from Disclosure-YouandMe(FlumeRemix)(by SF360Productions).mid

GI30 160 1601 5

Imported from Art_is_dead.mid

K15 108 1823 6

Imported from 137497_1.mid

FR60 110 1060 2 3

Took about three weeks but I'm finally done. :] I believe this is the first time I've made an extension to one of my melodies.

FR60 140 2048 5