

GI30 60 96 5

This is an original notation of the first part of Zelda's Lullaby from The Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword in the original key of G Major. This is for 30 Note music boxes, and has been done properly so that no notes are missing, and the tempo is appropriate for winding by hand. Other versions of this on musicboxmaniacs are either incorrect, or simply an import from a midi, which causes notes to be missing when converted to 30 note, and the tempo to be far too slow to wind by hand. I used my own intuition to wrap the notes around properly, and I have tried it out on my own music box and it works very well. This is currently in progress, and I will update this when I have finished the second part of the song. Credit to BlueSCD for the midi which was used as a reference when notating.